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~Welcome to the Universe~

SNESman47's Nintendo Universe Code Center

Did you want codes? Good, because here at the Nintendo Universe Code Center (SNUCC) there are a lot of codes. You will find it is much easier to navigate through the codes so you won't have to go looking all over the place.

The last code was added at 2:12 a.m. CDT
12/29/99 Uhh...I haven't been putting the updates here. Oh well, more links for the N64 put up.
8/23/99 This page was made, and has a lot of codes compacted and ready to go up.

For the N64 code section, there are codes and Game Shark codes. For the NES there are codes and Game Genie codes and so on for each section. So there are Game Shark and Game Genie codes in the regular code sections.

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