All-Star Baseball 2000

Fly back to dugout:

Enter "FLYAWAY" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu. Then, players will fly back to the dugout after an out.

Small players :

Enter "TOMTHUMB" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

Big baseball:

Enter "BCHBLKTPTY" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

Baseball trails:

Enter "WLDWLDWST" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

Blackout mode:

Enter "WTOTL" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

Blurred graphics:

Enter "MYEYES" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

Lizard team:

Select exhibition mode and choose Kaufmann Stadium. Then while playing a game, hit one of the signs that say "Win a lizard" to transform all players on the team into lizards.

Super fastball:

Begin an exhibition game in arcade mode against the CPU. Then while pitching, throw a fastball and hold A + C-Down until the ball reaches the plate. If done correctly, the batter will not be able to hit the ball.

Change pitch speed:

Hold Z to increase or R to decrease the speed of a pitch.

Faster running:

Hold Z to run faster.

Game Shark Codes

Infinite Balls 8006E4DF 0000

1 Ball And You Walk D006E4DF 0000 8006E4DF 0003

2 Balls And You Walk D006E4DF 0000 8006E4DF 0002

3 Balls And You Walk D006E4DF 0000 8006E4DF 0001

Infinite Strikes 8006E4E1 0000

1 Strike And You Are Out D006E4E1 0000 8006E4E1 0002

2 Strikes And You Are Out D006E4E1 0000 8006E4E1 0001

Infinite Outs 8006E4E3 0000

1 Out And You Are Out D006E4E3 0000 8006E4E3 0002

2 Outs And You Are Out D006E4E3 0000 8006E4E3 0001

Home Team Score Modifier 8005E373 00??

Away Team Score Modifier 80065337 00??

Character Creation Codes:

Infinite Character Creation Points 81103350 4170

Max Accuracy 81115A20 4170

Max Stamina 81115A24 4170

Max Contact 81115A28 4170

Max Power 81115A2C 4170

Max vs LHP 81115A30 4170

Max vs RHP 81115A34 4170

Max Bunting 81115A38 4170

Max vs LHB 81115A3C 4170

Max vs RHB 81115A40 4170

Max Speed 81115A44 4170

Max Defense 81115A48 4170

Max Arm Strength 81115A4C 4170

Max Streak 81115A50 4170

Max Clutch 81115A54 4170

Pitch Type Creation Codes:

Infinite Pitch Type Creation Points 811039BC 4170 811039C0 4170

Max Pitch 1 811038D0 4170

Max Pitch 2 811038D4 4170

Max Pitch 3 811038D8 4170

Max Pitch 4 811038DC 4170

Max Pitch 5 811038E0 4170

Max Pitch 6 811038E4 4170

Max Pitch 7 811038E8 4170

Max Pitch 8 811038EC 4170